This year has been one heckova year.... AND IT'S ONLY JULY 😫. We've been suffering through a global pandemic AND the opening of the kimono on the disheartening, maddening and infuriating pandemic of racism that exists in the U.S.
Now, if you're like me, we thought this country had made MAJOR progress. I know I was definitely lulled to sleep by all of the steps forward I thought we took as a country. We've seen black women CEOs, black-owned television networks, black people winning oscars... We even had a black president for goodness sakes! So yeah, I'll admit it, I thought I could sigh a huge sigh of relief that gone are the days of racism and that black people would be able to succeed in this country with hard work, a good education and making an honest living. WELP! On May 25, 2020 with the murder of George Floyd, that fragile house of cards came crashing down....
What I have come to accept, in the most humbling way, is that racism had not gone away, it just wasn't being videotaped. People hadn't changed their feelings, they just weren't given a platform to express their racism in an environment where they'd be encouraged by the leader of the "free world". The benefits of white supremacy were still being experienced behind closed doors and in places and spaces where black people are some marginalized they didn't have the will or the means to fight.
But now, what I see changing is we are 🗣 SPEAKING UP!!! We are speaking up in our conference rooms, board rooms, court rooms, legislative assemblies, classrooms, community rooms and in any place where our voices need to and should be heard. I am here for all of it!! I have been doing everything that I can to use whatever platforms and opportunities I have to speak up about the change that needs to happen in this country.
Now, I know I am no Martin Luther King, Jr. or Malcom X, or John Lewis or Booker T. Washington but I can use my talents, resources and access to create change. My firm believe is that EVERY action is meaningful and contributes to dismantling the systemic racism that exists. So, here's my version of activism:
1. Investing in black-owned businesses. Part of the challenges the black community has had has been the economic disparity between us and the majority. However, black-women are the fastest growing entrepreneurs. So, if I am able to invest in black-owned businesses, that in turn helps those companies to employ other people of color, take care of their families and create a new path for future generations.
Also, amplify the voices of black influencers - like, comment, share their posts, blogs, etc. Let's start to get these voices out there so that people have the opportunity to see and hear the talent and power within the black community.
2. Donate to activism organizations out here on the front lines and doing the work that I am unable to do. I have been a supporter of Until Freedom because I believe in their leadership and I believe what they are doing. I have donated, participated in rallies and continue to amplify the messages that they deliver.
3. Sign petitions. This one to me is a no-brainer. It takes all of 2 minutes to do this and lending your name and signature to help create change is painless but impactful.
4. Rally, protest, march. Now, I get it.... no one is out here trying to contract COVID-19 BUT, if you are willing, you should absolutely participate. Be mindful though of who the organizers of the protest are. Make sure it is an organization you know and have researched because this could be the difference between a peaceful protest vs. not. So make sure you check it out first and then of course, wear all of the PPE you can find!
5. SPEAK UP. We all sit in conversations where maybe there is an off-kilter comment made. Or something that doesn't sit quite right and we write it off because we don't think the person intended harm... Now is NOT the time for silence. Now is the time for education and helping people to understand how their way of thinking, jokes, etc can lead to the types of issues we are all seeing today.
I know Rome wasn't built in a day.... and no war is won overnight but each brick laid and every little victory gets us one step closer to the goal and the finish line. I hope that everyone feels empowered to do something! Even if you think it's small - it doesn't matter, just do it! We are all in this battle together and we need everyone of us fighting everyday we can to see the change we want in this world.
Keep pressing, keep pushing.... until freedom!