Every week I try to start off with a clear focus on what I want to accomplish and goals for each day. Whether it's house projects, family activities, business goals, planning my social media calendar and blog posts... I try to have a plan.
In this new-normal, however, it's definitely much more difficult juggling two kids at home, working from home and trying to maintain some sense of sanity all at the same time. The work doesn't stop, the goals don't accomplish themselves and the kids DEFINITELY aren't entertaining each other. This state of being on the "corona-coaster" has often times stressed me out and made me dread the start of each week... Seeing the same four walls, fighting the same no-screen-time battle with the boys and struggling to find alone time to rejuvenate myself has definitely had an impact on me.
So, as I reflect on the definition of insanity 😂 I decided this week to try something different.
It's SO simple you'll probably laugh...
I can assure you, it made a huge difference....
It has completely enhanced my mood...
I went and bought some flowers🤯! I took some time on Sunday to go to the market, look at all the bouquets and I selected a few for my home. I cut and arranged the flowers in pretty vases and placed them in the areas where I spend the most time - my office and the kitchen! 😂.
When I am in the office working, on a stressful phone call and I look up to these beautiful pink roses on my desk, I just smile! And when I am in the kitchen cooking, dancing, washing dishes, I lean over and smell my flowers and it just helps me to relax and remember that there is so much beauty in the world around us. It totally changes the mood of my day.
So here's my earth-shattering tip for having a great week... go buy yourself some flowers! And, take the time to smell them!