Let's face it, sometimes Monday's suck! It can be the realization that the weekend is over... the challenges of having to get back into a "work" mindset, or it could just be that you don't like your job or the work you're doing. Either way, we all have those Mondays where we have to draaggggg ourselves out of the bed and find a way to get excited for the week.
I have noticed that there are certain aspects of my daily routine that supercharge me for getting off to a great start. I recently read this article on Real Simple about the 8 things you should do to start the week off right and I love their tips so I figured I'd share my version.
Start the day with prayer, meditation, setting intentions, etc. What ever your flavor is, it's important to do it. This will help to get your mind into the right space to tackle the day. Because you can make a plan but you have know idea what will be thrown at you during the day.... so this is more about you preparing yourself for the things outside of your control.
Make a to-do list! I know I know... boorrring! But trust me, it helps! There's something so satisfying about knowing what you're planning to accomplish during the week and actually getting it done. That productivity confirmation is an amazing morale booster! So, I usually start on Monday mornings and I grab my stack of post-it notes 😂 (I am obsessed...literally, I have them in multiple colors, shapes and sizes.... it's kind of a problem). I use a different post it note for every category of stuff that I need to do... I got the stuff for work, kids, home, hubby, blog, etc. Then I list all the stuff that needs to be done during the week and I keep that in front of me. I then decide, based on my schedule for the day, what items can I accomplish and I seek to check those items off.
Nutrition is key! Now, I am not going to tell you that you have to start the day with a balanced breakfast (blah blah blah)... There are some people who aren't breakfast people... My approach is to listen to your body and give it what it needs! There are some days I wake up and I just want a cup of tea. Other days, I crave a fresh juice or a smoothie (today I had green apple, ginger and pineapple juice). It's up to you and what your body needs. I think the key is listening to your body but also staying hydrated! Especially in this blazing hot summer weather we are having.
Dress for the day you want to have... Now hear me on this... sometimes this works and sometimes it doesn't LOL! I remember one week, I wore my athletic clothes to motivate me to work out and ummmmm yea, it didn't happen. But at least I was prepared! I think the point here is, if you stay in loungewear all day, you're gonna be in chill mode. But if you show on a little mascara, some lipgloss and a clothes that inspire you, you'll be whizzing through the day with no problem!
Get moving!!! While this may not mean exercise, it could just mean, doing a lap around your block. Walking up a few flights of stairs in your building. It could mean, just standing outside in the sun for a few minutes. At times when I am having a stressful day, I'll go out and sit on my back porch and just sit. I'll look at the sun, chase away a few squirrels, take in some fresh air and that's just enough to give me that extra boost I need.
Everyone has a different approach to helping them get through the day. Sometimes I can check the box on 5/5 other times, I am struggling to accomplish #1. But what matters is that you start the next day fresh and new.
Let's have a great week friends!